Therapy for Birth Trauma

Land O Lakes, Florida

Birth does not always go as planned.

Birth trauma can include the entire reproductive journey not just the postpartum period. *Up to 45% of new mothers experience some form of birth trauma.* You're not alone. What you went through is so real and not something you just get over. Here are some examples:

  • Conception Trauma: Difficulty getting pregnant, challenges with assisted reproductive technologies (IVF, IUI)

  • Pregnancy and Infant Loss: Miscarriage, stillbirth, TFMR (Termination for Medical Reasons)

  • Pregnancy Complications: Preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, hyperemesis gravidarum

  • Delivery Trauma: C-sections, forceps deliveries, vacuum deliveries, unexpected interventions

  • Early Postpartum Trauma: NICU stays, postpartum depression and anxiety, difficulty breastfeeding

Postpartum Therapy
Therapy for birth trauma tampa

Strength Through Vulnerability: A Journey to Peace

Birth trauma can leave you feeling emotionally raw. You might be battling feelings of self-blame, shame, and sadness.

It's common to feel isolated in your experience like no one truly understands what you're going through.

You might be stuck reliving the birth you had and grieving the one you envisioned.

These feelings can be incredibly heavy and make it difficult to move forward.

Birth Trauma Therapy can help you:

  • Unravel and Process: Through exploration and gentle guidance, you can begin to understand and release those "stuck" feelings that hold you back.

  • From Overwhelm to Calm: We'll work together on developing healthy ways to manage overwhelming emotions.

  • Reclaiming Your Power: Birth trauma can leave you feeling powerless. Therapy can help you reclaim your sense of control and inner strength.

  • Embrace the Future: You can process your past experiences and start looking forward with hope. This journey is not about forgetting, but about finding peace and healing,

The Best Way Out is Through


  • Short answer: No.

    Long answer: Processing and moving forward often involve re-experiencing the trauma at least on a nervous system level. As long as you can safely connect with the internal experience, we can utilize various techniques that don't require detailed storytelling. We'll work collaboratively at a pace that feels safe and keeps you from feeling flooded with emotions.

  • Absolutely! The emotional impact of birth trauma can linger for years, even decades. Therapy can help you process past events and release yourself from the negative hold they've had on your life.

  • Short Answer- it depends.

    Some of my clients are super motivated to embark on their healing journey- engaging in mindfulness, journaling, self compassion and self care consistently. They have reported reduction of anxiety, mood symptoms and increase in motivation in 8 sessions. For others it may take a little longer due to the complexity of the issue like 12-16 sessions. If you are interested in accerlated healing I invite you to consider therapy intensives.

  • I get it, that time was tough, and going back there sounds like the last thing you want to do. Completely understandable!

    However, sometimes, even though we try to move on, parts of us can stay stuck in that experience. They might still be carrying the weight of that pain, which can affect us in the present.

    Therapy can be a space to explore this in a way that feels manageable. It's not about dwelling on the past, but rather about understanding how it might be impacting you now and finding ways to unburden yourself from that pain.