Brainspotting Therapy

in Land O Lakes, Florida


Healing and Relief is Possible

You’ve talked, cried, and avoided long enough. Deep down, you know you have everything you need to heal—it’s not in another book, more self-care, or positive affirmations. When you experience trauma, the limbic system in your brain, responsible for survival, emotions, and memory, gets activated.

“Where you look affects how you feel.”- David Grand, PhD, founder of Brainspotting

Brainspotting Therapy uses your field of vision to find where trauma is stored in your brain, helping you process emotional, spiritual, and generational wounds. By targeting and releasing these burdens, you can heal and find peace.


You’ve been living in survival mode for as long as you can remember. Maybe you’re:

- Just going through the motions

- Feeling stuck, tired, or constantly fatigued

- Struggling with brain fog and concentration

- Always on guard, feeling the need to protect yourself

- Focusing on control and hyper-independence

- Keeping people at a distance

- Reactive

Imagine a life where burdens no longer hold you back. A life filled with joy, peace, and a sense of deep security. Brainspotting can be the bridge that gets you there. By gently guiding your nervous system towards a state of calm, you'll find a renewed sense of balance and stability.

The grip of anxiety loosens, replaced by a sense of inner peace. Whether it's in your relationships, career, or personal pursuits, you'll discover a newfound ability to perform at your best.

You'll find yourself responding to life's challenges with greater ease and resilience, no longer a prisoner of old triggers.

My Specialties for Brainspotting Therapy

  • Birth trauma

  • Anxiety

  • Grief and loss

  • Childhood trauma

  • Betrayal Trauma and Infidelity

  • Self-esteem and personal growth

  • Self-sabotage

  • Generational trauma

 How Brainspotting Therapy Makes a Difference?

Brainspotting therapy uses a bottom-up approach, focusing on the body, nervous system, and brain rather than the focus being on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. You don’t need to retell your story, which can sometimes be retraumatizing. Instead, we work with the incident by bringing it to mind or body and processing it internally, recalling memories, and focusing on the feelings and/or sensations they cause. This modality offers a path to true healing, not just symptom management. Real relief is possible.

The Role of the Therapist and Client

In Brainspotting therapy, I may use a pointer to help find and hold the spot in your visual field or identify the brain spot in natural environment. I am intentional about minimizing interference, using presence and co-regulation to guide the processing. I provide education on neurobiology and regulation strategies to support the process.

Trauma Therapy for Black Women Land O Lakes

While I have extensive knowledge about trauma, you are the expert on yourself. Our collaboration is key to your healing. Brainspotting therapy is a no-compliance model meaning as a client there are no rules to follow and no one way to do it right.



  • It's common not to feel sensations in your body during Brainspotting. Sometimes, our brain creates blocks to protect us and ensure our safety—aren't our bodies amazing! Even if you don't feel physical sensations, we can still find effective brain spots through other methods, such as reflexive responses. Brainspotting can still work, and many of my clients have experienced long-lasting and transformative healing, even without feeling bodily sensations. Your healing journey is unique, and together, we'll find the approach that works best for you.

  • It’s natural to wonder if Brainspotting is working, especially if it feels like nothing is happening initially.

    However, many of my clients report experiencing positive changes quite soon after starting. You might notice immediate effects such as better sleep, reduced anxiety, and feeling more grounded.

    Some clients have also experienced increased clarity and confidence in decision-making, as well as the elimination of specific fears like tocophobia (fear of childbirth) and flying anxiety.

    Another significant shift reported is increased self-compassion and a more positive outlook on life.

    While results can vary, the brain and body have an extraordinary capacity to self-heal given the right conditions. Together, we'll monitor your progress and adjust as needed to support your unique healing journey.

  • Session lengths can vary, typically ranging from 60 to 90 minutes. Even just 5 minutes of Brainspotting can be beneficial and is better than no Brainspotting at all.

    Many of my clients appreciate extended sessions or intensives, which can last 4-6 hours. These longer sessions can help process an issue to its resolution more effectively, rather than starting and stopping the process week after week.

    I encourage my clients to trust their systems and assess their capacity for intensity throughout the course of treatment. This personalized approach ensures that the therapy is tailored to your needs and comfort level.

  • "You don't have to know what it is to know that it is." It's perfectly okay if you don't have a clear memory of what happened. We can still work with the felt sense rather than needing tangible knowledge of the event. While our long-term memory may not store every detail of what happened to us, our bodies remember.

    Many of my clients have successfully processed pre-verbal trauma, intrauterine trauma, and even ancestral trauma. By tapping into these felt senses, Brainspotting can help you heal, even if the specific event isn't fully known or remembered.

  • Yes, Brainspotting is just as effective online as it is in person. Similar to psychotherapy, it can be conducted through various online platforms, including phone and teleconference, or in person. While the screen might limit the visual field slightly, we can still orient to your environment to identify a brainspot connected to the distressing memory.

    In fact, some people prefer Brainspotting online as it provides a comfortable distance, making it easier to express and explore shameful or upsetting topics. Whether you choose to do it online or in person, the effectiveness remains the same. I don't have a preference; it's all about what makes you feel most at ease